In most cases, progesterone treatment is prescribed for women who are menopausal or for women suffering from conditions that cause infertility. There are basically two ways to increase progesterone levels, and both involve some form of progesterone supplementation. Your doctor may prescribe synthetic steroids that mimic the effect of progesterone or you can go with natural supplements. Regardless of the method you choose, you should probably do so under the direct supervision of a doctor or health care professional. Some studies claim that lifestyle changes may also have an impact on progesterone levels.
Synthetic hormone treatments designed to increase progesterone levels are commonly prescribed for women who suffer from infertility. Women who conceive during progesterone treatment are usually required to continue with the therapy through their fourth month of pregnancy, and sometimes beyond. Progesterone can be delivered by vaginal suppositories, injection, or by mouth. Most experts agree that the most effective method of delivery is by means of vaginal suppositories.
Side effects associated with synthetic progesterone include weight gain, vaginal dryness, and mood changes. Some studies seem to indicate that women who are postmenopausal may be at greater risk of developing breast cancer if they undergo treatments involving synthetic progesterone, however, other studies seem to contradict these findings. Regardless of age, nervousness and anxiety seem to be the most common side effects associated with synthetic progesterone.
Many women elect to increase progesterone levels by using natural supplements. Some of the most common supplements are made from yam or soy. Supplements containing chaste tree berry may also be effective in boosting progesterone. Natural progesterone cream is also available over the counter at most pharmacies. These creams are typically made from diosgenin, which is a type of plant oil that has been treated to mimic many of the properties of human progesterone.
There is some research to indicate that making lifestyle changes related to environment may also help increase progesterone levels, or at the very least may help ensure that normal levels do not fall. Some of these include avoiding plastics, adhesives, and exhaust fumes. Studies also indicate that there may be a relationship between low progesterone and consuming meat from livestock that has been injected with estrogen. Pesticides may also be responsible for low progesterone levels. Much of the research regarding environmental exposure and how it relates to progesterone levels is contradictory, so it is a good idea to study the available data before making drastic lifestyle changes.