A food craving is typically the body's way of letting you know of a nutrient deficiency. Craving salt, for instance, usually means that the body is lacking in sodium, which the brain will interpret as a request for one's favorite salty food, even if it is unhealthy. Craving salt is extremely common; most people crave either salt or sugar, and there are a few ways to get over these cravings and stop eating unhealthy foods.
A craving for salt can indicate a need to drink more water, so it is a good first step to try to cut back on soft drinks or other beverages that are high in sodium, and try to drink eight glasses of water per day. Though it may seem counter-intuitive to cut back on a sodium-heavy drink when craving salt, the truth is that the more salt you consume, the more you will want to consume. The next step to stop craving salt is to get sodium from natural sources.
Vegetables, particularly leafy greens and celery, as well as fruits, should provide all the sodium the body needs, and in a much healthier manner. Be sure to incorporate servings of fruit and vegetables into each meal to be sure that you are getting the daily requirement for sodium. In addition, fruits and vegetables are much healthier alternative snacks than salty foods such as chips or pretzels.
Another way to stop craving salt is to make additional changes to the diet. Though prepackaged foods, canned goods, and frozen meals are quick and easy, they are also loaded with sodium in much larger quantities than the body needs. When these astronomical amounts of sodium are consumed at each meal, the body begins to crave it more and more, and the taste buds begin to adapt. This means that you will need to eat even more salt to satisfy the cravings.
Instead of eating prepackaged foods, try cooking recipes at home, with fresh ingredients. Don't add extra salt once the dish has been made. Food at restaurants is notoriously high in salt as well, so try to avoid eating out as much as possible. It is difficult to stop craving salt, but reducing salt in the diet can lead to weight loss, more energy, lower blood pressure, and other benefits that come from eating a healthy diet. With persistence, it will be possible to stop craving salt and to start eating healthy.