There are several possible causes for a penis ulcer, each with its own specific treatment options. In general, ulcers on skin tissue are treated with a combination of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, and painkillers. The ulcerated areas should be kept moist to encourage proper healing. To guarantee effective long-term relief, the underlying cause of ulceration must specifically be addressed; if the ulcer is a result of syphilis, for example, the patient should be given intramuscular doses of penicillin-G. The same treatment principle follows for other causes of penile ulcers, including cancer, chancroid, and herpes.
It is imperative that the patient keeps a penis ulcer free from infection, as this could lead to serious health complications. Medical professionals often recommend the use of topical antibiotics to stave off potentially harmful microorganisms, unless the patient shows adverse reactions to the medication. In some cases, antibiotic use can contribute to ulceration, making testing prior to treatment an important consideration. In the event that antibiotics cannot be used, topical antiseptics are a possible, albeit more uncomfortable, alternative.
An ulcer might develop some swelling, which both adds to the patient’s discomfort and complicates treatment. Medical professionals recommend using oral or topical antihistamines to control the inflammation. If the treatment is unable to effectively reduce the swelling, patients can opt to try more powerful corticosteroids to remedy the problem. Both antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications can be used in conjunction with painkillers to reduce the discomfort experienced by patients with ulcerated penises.
In addition to these general treatments, patients should get tested and treated for any medical conditions that might have contributed to the formation of the penile ulcers. A penis ulcer can form as a result of a number of sexually-transmitted diseases, making it necessary that the patient address the root infection. Herpes can be managed with antiviral medications such as acyclovir and penciclovir, significantly reducing the likelihood of further ulcer development. Chancroid infections, on the other hand, can be eliminated with antibiotic medications like azithromycin and erythromycin.
Penile cancer can also result in ulceration. Tumors formed in the genital area can ulcerate, and the surrounding skin often toughens. Several treatment options for such cases are available, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical removal of the tumors. Success rates tend to vary from patient to patient, making it difficult for doctors to guarantee long-term relief. Treatment will make the cancer more manageable, however, and usually reduces the rate at which ulcers develop.