Skin rashes should always be treated as soon as they appear. A skin rash from any cause is usually itchy and many people start scratching before thinking about the damage they're doing. Scratching rashes is the worst thing to do because it often causes the rash to spread. In some cases, scratching can cause cracking in the skin and this can be painful and lead to infection. A moisturizing cream such as aloe vera lotion applied to the rash may help relieve itchiness until a person with a rash can get medication prescribed by a doctor.
Natural remedies that may help prevent the itching of rashes include soaking in a barely warm, not hot, bath with about 3 cups (500 ml) of baking soda added. Baking soda and cool water may also be made into a thick paste to apply directly to the skin rash. Some people find that a coating of olive oil on the rash helps decrease the desire to scratch it. Natural treatments shouldn’t replace going to a dermatologist, or skin specialist, as soon as possible to find out what is causing the rash.
Many dermatologists recommend keeping skin rashes moisturized with lotions — especially after a bath or a shower. Scented lotions should be avoided since they may further irritate a skin problem. Moisturizing creams and lotions made for sensitive skin may help. Soaps or creams containing coal tar or pine tar may help relieve the itchiness of a rash.
A dermatologist may prescribe a corticosteroid cream to use on some types of skin rashes. Cortisone is an artificially produced hormone made to supplement the low levels of natural hormones called adrenal cortex that people with skin problems usually have. Adrenal cortex hormones naturally prevent rashes and itching. Cortisone rash treatment cream is made to use short term — usually up to a month.
Besides lotions and creams, a dermatologist may prescribe phototherapy or oral medications to treat a rash. Phototherapy is used mainly for skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema and it helps to kill cells that spread rashes. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an extremely itchy skin disease of dry, red patches that usually begins in early childhood, while psoriasis is a common skin disease that causes dry, scaly red rashes mostly on the scalp and lower body. In phototherapy, the skin is exposed to ultra violet (UV) light. The treatment may cause side effects such as nausea, and phototherapy isn't usually used long term as it may increase the risk for skin cancer.