Some experts have found that using baking soda for candida will reduce the likelihood of having a current yeast infection. In fact, baking soda within the human body changes the overall acidity and alkalinity balance, or pH level, making it a more inhospitable environment for fungus growth. This common household substance is usually ingested as a beneficial treatment option.
Candida is a yeast fungus found naturally in the human vagina. Healthy women have a mixture of this fungus and bacteria; but excessive growth of the candida can cause a yeast or vaginal infection, causing irritating burning and itching. Baking soda for candida will effectively balance the vagina's naturally occurring bacterial and yeast levels. As a result, the infection will be cured.
Baking soda, or bicarbonate of soda, is found naturally all over the world. In the past, people have found that it can be used as a cleaning agent, as well as for medicinal use. The substance has a high pH level, making it alkaline. Candida proliferates in the presence of low pH levels; however, increasing the alkalinity in the vaginal area by using baking soda for Candida will slowly kill the fungus.
Experimenting doctors have administered baking soda for candida both orally and intravenously (IV). Both administering techniques move the bicarbonate of soda into the body's bloodstream, which distributes it to the entire body via the cardiovascular system. The body as a whole becomes slightly more basic, affecting the vaginal area's bacteria and yeast balances as well.
The vagina becomes too volatile for candida growth as pH levels rise. Alkalinity causes the yeast fungus to die out, preventing further immediate infection. After the medicinal treatment is completed, the body will automatically balance its pH levels out for a natural harmonious chemistry.
This treatment will not stop future yeast infections unless the baking soda is taken on a regular basis. Regular use of baking soda has not been examined fully by experts, but small doses seem to be generally beneficial for the human body, such as taking antacid pills. Before beginning treatment of any kind, the suspected yeast infection should be initially diagnosed by a medical professional. The patient should discuss the use of baking soda for candida to ensure that it is safe for her to use. Many medical professionals will offer a treatment regimen for the best results.