Properly cleaning dentures is extremely important, although it does not have to be difficult. Preventing breakage is also vital, so the dentures should always be cleaned over a sink filled with water. The dentures should be thoroughly rinsed before brushing to make sure that all loose food particles have been removed. The next step in cleaning dentures involves using a soft toothbrush and gentle toothpaste to brush them. During sleep, or at least for one hour per day, the dentures should be soaked in either a homemade or commercially prepared solution in order to destroy any residual bacteria.
The first step in cleaning dentures is to ensure that the teeth are safe from breakage. The dentures should be rinsed and cleaned over a sink that contains at least a few inches of water. This helps to protect them from breaking in the event they are dropped during the cleaning process. Hot water can cause the dentures to become misshapen or warped, so hot water should never be used to rinse or clean them.
When it is time to brush the dentures, the proper supplies should be used. Soft-bristled toothbrushes that are specially made for use on dentures are the safest types of toothbrushes. Regular toothpaste is far too abrasive for use on dentures, so a toothpaste created specifically for dentures should be used. The dentures should be carefully rinsed after brushing to make sure all of the paste has been removed.
In order to make sure that all bacteria on the dentures is destroyed, part of the cleaning process involves soaking them in a solution that will get rid of harmful bacteria. Commercially made products work really well, but there are homemade cleaning solutions that may be less expensive but work just as well. Any questions about the types of solutions that are safe should be discussed with a dentist.
One of the most popular solutions when cleaning dentures is a combination of vinegar and water. Just a few drops of vinegar can be added to the water before placing the cleaned dentures into the solution for at least an hour. Baking soda can be used instead of vinegar, or the dentures can be soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Soaking the dentures in plain water for eight hours or more is thought to remove residual particles and bacteria as well. In order to keep the dentures from drying out, they should be immersed in water or another type of liquid solution any time they are removed from the mouth for a prolonged period of time.