Bloating and flatulence are commonly due to consuming certain foods known to promote intestinal gas. Eating foods that are high in carbohydrates or rich in fiber can cause bloating and flatulence in certain individuals. Swallowing too much air, which in turn causes improper digestion, can also cause bloating and flatulence. A gastrointestinal virus can cause excessive flatulence as well. Even pregnancy flatulence may be an issue for certain individuals.
Foods that promote excessive gas and cause flatulence pain in some individuals include beans, lentils, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Certain fruits such as raw apples, peaches and pears can also cause bloating and flatulence. Individuals who chew gum frequently may also experience excessive gas and intestinal discomfort. Knowing which foods cause the individual the most discomfort often will help in deciding which ones to eliminate from the diet.
Drinking carbonated beverages can often be a major culprit in causing bloating and flatulence for many people. In addition, drinking these beverages through a straw may cause the individual to swallow air. For those individuals who suffer from gas and bloating, a good idea might be to stir out the bubbles or let the carbonated drink become flat before consumption.
Another common cause of bloating and flatulence is eating too fast or not thoroughly chewing food. Food that is not properly chewed will have more difficulty being digested. In the process of digestion, gas pressure or pain may occur. In addition, talking while eating may contribute to the factor of intestinal or stomach gas.
When many people develop an intestinal virus, symptoms that can accompany the illness are bloating and gas pressure. These symptoms usually pass soon after the person recovers from the virus. Contracting intestinal parasites can also cause similar symptoms, though they are not caused by a virus. Complications can often be more serious in such cases.
Many people who are lactose-intolerant will experience extreme bloating and flatulence after eating dairy products. Generally, these symptoms can be alleviated by taking flatulence remedies. There are also certain products available to help digest foods containing lactose. Avoiding dairy products altogether can solve the issue, although many people find this difficult to achieve.
Other common causes of bloating and flatulence include irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Some of these conditions can produce debilitating symptoms that may need to be treated for many years or even a lifetime. Physicians can determine which course of treatment will be most effective for the individual.