There are various uses of silica in homeopathy, and it can be prescribed for a number of reasons. It can be used as a mood treatment for things like lack of assertiveness, lack of confidence, indecisiveness, and exhaustion. Some practitioners also use it for medical reasons, such as vulnerability to colds, sore throat, and headaches accompanied by nausea. Others use it to treat excessive underarm or foot perspiration.
Silica, also called silicea, is derived from quartz or flint and is a mineral present in the earth’s crust. It is also present in human cartilage and bones. This compound is used primarily to treat chronic conditions, although it can also be prescribed for more general problems, such as the common cold. In addition, it is sometimes used to treat personality disorders.
There is a specific personality type suited to silica in homeopathy, and people who match that type are said to benefit from the silica treatment. The "silica type" is someone with pallid and brittle skin, easily breakable hair, and a susceptibility to tiredness and infections. This group also includes people who feel cold all the time and who are terrified of public speaking.
The main intended effects of using silica include strengthening brittle hair and nails, treating skin conditions, preventing dandruff, and healing scars. Silica also reportedly enhances the absorption of nutrients. Some people also use silica to remove foreign objects from the body. This can be anything from a splinter to a small shard of glass.
Silica is sold in gel or tablet form, in concentrations ranging from 12X to 30C. The Roman numerals X and C are used to show how much the active ingredient has been diluted, while the number represents the amount of times this dilution has been repeated. The X in 12X symbolizes that the solution has been diluted one part active ingredient to nine parts water, and the process repeated 12 times. The C in 30C stands for 100, meaning that one part silica has been diluted in 99 parts water, and the process repeated 30 times.
The dilution that takes place with silica and other homeopathic treatments has led many medical professionals to question its effectiveness. Many believe that homeopathic medicine works on the basis of the placebo effect. Patients are advised to seek help from a medical professional if their symptoms persist.