A callus rasp is a tool used to slough away dead skin cells from the bottoms of feet, elbows, and other areas of the body. Rasps generally feature a plastic, wooden, or metal handle attached to an abrasive pad used to remove dead skin. Callus removal is the most common use of callus rasps, as calluses contain very rough skin that is not sensitive to harsh surfaces.
Two types of callus rasp may be used to treat rough skin on the feet or other areas. The first is for minor rough patches, and implements a gritty surface to gradually slough away the dead skin. This type of rasp is similar in texture and function to sandpaper. The second type uses tiny blades that scrape across the skin to remove hardened areas. Usually this type is only recommended for use on the bottoms of feet in severely callused areas, because most skin is too sensitive.
To be most effective, users should also work to maintain skin that is healthy. Lotions and foot balms can be applied to help keep healthy skin healthy as well as to make dead skin easier and more efficient to remove. Before using a callus rasp, one should use softening lotions for a week or more in the areas that will be treated. This will help provide better results.
No two people should share a callus rasp. In some cases when skin is sloughed too harshly, bleeding can occur. If people share a rasp, infections or diseases could be spread through shared blood and tissues. In most cases, a callus rasp can be washed using warm water and then allowed to dry on a towel or flat surface. Rusting should not occur, but if it does, discontinue use. Consumers are encouraged to check their skin after each use to be sure no ill effects have occurred, such as bleeding or tearing of healthy skin. If these things happen, one should stop using the rasp in that area and skin should be treated accordingly with antibiotic solutions or bandages.
Rasps are meant to be used over the course of several days to allow a gentle approach to callus removal. Failure to comply with this standard may result in injury. They should be used in each area just long enough to remove one layer of dead skin. To prevent calluses from returning, users should avoid walking in bare feet and high heels, and should apply moisturizing creams to the affected area.