A Scottish shower is actually a therapeutic water treatment offered in many spas and wellness centers around the world. During the shower, users stand in an enclosed shower stall while either a trained therapist or an automated valve system alternates hot and cold water sprays. The user's circulatory system is said to benefit from the cycles of expansion and shrinkage.
Some sources suggest the origins of the term "Scottish shower" can be traced back to the notoriously fickle weather of Scotland. It's possible that the constant temperature inversions had a beneficial effect on a Scotsman's circulatory system or sense of well-being. A modern Scottish shower is often described as a relaxing event, and many units designed for this treatment contain music systems and coordinated lighting to encourage relaxation.
Others suggest that the Scottish tradition of frugality encouraged bathers to alternate between the inexpensive cold water and the more expensive hot water. The bather still benefits from the hot water, but not enough to break the homeowner's bank. The water in a Scottish bath does alternate frequently from hot to cold, but this theory does not address the circulatory benefits of the treatment. More likely than not, the modern Scottish bath was first designed and marketed in Scotland, and therapists have adopted the name in the same sense as a "Swedish" massage.
Some therapists refer to the Scottish shower as the Scottish hose treatment. After the user has entered an enclosed shower stall, the therapist uses a high-pressure shower nozzle to direct hot water in a controlled manner from top to bottom. The hot water encourages the user's veins and arteries to expand, creating more blood flow to the surface area. At a prescribed point, the therapist briefly switches to a cold water spray. The user's circulatory system rapidly contracts, but the overall effect is not meant to be especially bracing.
The hot and cold cycle of a Scottish shower continue for several minutes, then the user is encourage to receive other spa treatments to complement the improved circulation and sense of revitalization. A quality treatment will definitely eliminate any remaining mental cobwebs or sluggishness. For those who seek privacy while experiencing the benefits of this treatment, there are commercial shower units available which can duplicated the effects in a private home.