Network chiropractic is the chiropractic system of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) created by Dr. Donald Epstein. NSA chiropractors hold the philosophy that the spine is a channel of energy that connects individual consciousness to planetary consciousness. Network chiropractic doctors are involved with gently reducing tension in the spinal column as a healing art.
Dr. Epstein developed network chiropractic to make improvements in the results of traditional chiropractic methods of spine adjustment. He noticed in his practice that if he adjusted certain segments of the spine before others, the body would often "self-correct" and move by itself in response to the adjustment of the first spinal segment. Network chiropractors are said to value the reduction of stress on the body and mind of the patient.
The network chiropractic method often requires gentler manipulation and less force than in the traditional chiropractic approach to adjusting tension in the spinal column. This approach focuses on the order adjustments are performed in to release spinal cord tension to prevent or reduce the harsh twisting of the spinal column. The goal is to use minimum force to produce the maximum results in tension reduction to add to overall health and wellness.
Tension in the spinal cord can disrupt the spinal column and cause pain and a general feeling of unwellness to the sufferer. Patients in network chiropractic care are usually encouraged to participate in and gain knowledge about their treatment. Network chiropractors are trained to help the patient develop an awareness of his or her spine in relation to the rest of the body. Dr. Epstein found better results using NSA than traditional chiropractic approaches alone and his results inspired some other chiropractic doctors to use the NSA system in their practices as well.
Network chiropractic methods have been said to affect the consciousness of the body in a wholeness approach. As the spinal cord is connected to the brain and the brain and spinal cord form the body's central nervous system, NSA chiropractic doctors believe that individual consciousness is improved when spinal cord tension is relieved through gentle methods of adjustment. The healing philosophy of network chiropractic is one of whole body awareness and well being.