A UTI, or urinary tract infection, is a common problem among many women. It is characterized by painful and frequent urination, cloudy urine, and a fever with back pain, among other symptoms, and is caused by a growth of bacteria in the urinary tract. There are a few ways to treat a UTI to clear up the current infection, as well as ways to prevent it from returning and causing further UTI complications.
One of the best ways to treat a UTI is to drink a lot of water at the onset of symptoms. This can help flush the system and clear out bacteria. It is also often recommended to drink cranberry juice, but be sure to drink 100% cranberry juice, and not a cranberry juice cocktail. The sugar found in the juice cocktail can actually aggravate the symptoms. Taking cranberry pills is another option. Over-the-counter pain relievers may help with the pain.
In addition, try to urinate as frequently as possible. Do not have sexual intercourse while attempting to treat a UTI; this can make symptoms worse, and is one of the leading causes of urinary tract infections. In addition, a hot bath may help with pain, but do not add any bubbles or bath oils to the water. Try to avoid eating sugary foods or drinking alcohol while attempting to treat a UTI.
With at-home treatment of a UTI, symptoms should clear up within one to two days. If symptoms persist or worsen, or the fever gets worse, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The doctor will likely prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat a UTI. Some doctors will even offer standing prescriptions for patients who have frequent UTIs. It is important to always take the full prescription, even if symptoms seem to have disappeared.
To avoid having to treat a UTI, try to prevent it in the first place. It is a good idea to regularly drink enough water throughout the day. In addition, it is important to urinate after having sexual intercourse to flush any bacteria from the urethra, and to always wipe from front to back on the toilet. Avoid using feminine hygiene products that contain deodorants. Continuing to regularly drink cranberry juice may also help to prevent a UTI from returning. UTIs are also fairly common in pregnancy, and it is important for a pregnant woman to visit a doctor immediately at the onset of symptoms for treatment, as it can lead to complications.