There is some scientific evidence to suggest that resveratrol and estrogen are somewhat linked and may have undesirable effects on some individuals. Resveratrol is known to contain a compound directly related to a synthetic estrogen which can bind with estrogen receptors on cells and activate estrogen expression. Since cancer cells may use estrogen to help in their proliferation, or multiplication, inside the body, its use is cautioned in some people. The antioxidants found in resveratrol are said to be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic, yet more research needs to be conducted to determine the exact amount of antioxidants that are readily absorbed by the body for benefit.
Resveratrol is a chemical found in such foods as grapes, berries and red wine, and is said to be a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals within the body. Some research has shown that resveratrol and estrogen production are connected because resveratrol contains a compound similar to diethylstilbestrol. This compound is a synthetic estrogen, and may have the effects of binding to estrogen receptors on cells and activating estrogen expression in the body. Many researchers are unsure about this aspect of resveratrol's safety, reporting that overuse of resveratrol can lead to undesirable effects.
The combination of resveratrol and estrogen has received only a small acknowledgment in scientific literature, yet exploration into the connection is increasing slowly. One reason why resveratrol and estrogen are worth studying is because estrogen is a hormone that can actually feed breast cancer cells and help increase their rate of multiplication. This risk is alarming to many breast cancer researchers, who know that breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in women. Not much is known about the effects of resveratrol and estrogen production inside the body, prompting critics to advocate for more contrast studies on the effects of daily resveratrol supplementation or ingestion.
Since resveratrol has been shown to be anti-carcinogenic in a wide variety of studies, it is clear that it does play a role in preventable health programs. New information surfacing about resveratrol is being tested to figure out its possible pharmalogical roles in treating disease such as cancer as well as bacterial infections. Some doctors warn certain patients, especially those with a history of breast cancer, to avoid taking resveratrol supplements until information about its effects on estrogen become clearer. Common sources of resveratrol are some red wines, as well as peanuts and grapes.