The connection between bruising and vitamin deficiency is well documented. A lack of certain vitamins in the body can cause someone to become more susceptible to bruises and may lead to a longer healing time when bruises occur. Taking certain vitamins also seems to help prevent excessive bruising in many individuals.
Those who experience bruising and vitamin deficiency symptoms such as fatigue are generally lacking one of several main vitamins. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E are all commonly deficient in those who bruise easily. Although they all work together to promote tissue regrowth and healing, vitamin C is the most common culprit when it comes to bruising.
There are two primary ways to alleviate bruising and vitamin deficiency. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure that all necessary vitamins are being consumed. Dietary sources of key vitamins include green leafy vegetables, oranges, tomatoes, and carrots. Eating foods of many different colors is a good tactic.
Vitamin K is another vitamin which is often missing in those who bruise easily or severely, and it is generally manufactured in the intestines by the “good” bacteria naturally found there. Sometimes these bacteria, or flora, can become overrun by pathogens like “bad” bacteria or yeast, or they may be killed by eating certain foods. These can be replenished by using a probiotic supplement and by avoiding foods which kill off friendly bacteria.
Taking a vitamin and mineral supplement may also ward off bruising and vitamin deficiency issues. The best type will be food-based, meaning that the nutrients are derived from real food sources rather than synthetic vitamins. If these are not available, synthetic varieties are generally considered suitable. Liquid vitamins are often absorbed better by the body than pills and capsules.
Anyone who is experiencing severe bruising or who gets bruises easily should contact a doctor. Although vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of excessive bruising, there are some serious medical conditions which could also be to blame. Cancer and diabetes are both potential serious causes of bruising, and they should be ruled out before treatment can begin. Patients who are taking any over the counter or prescription drugs or supplements should speak with a doctor or pharmacist before taking vitamin supplements, especially in high doses.